Saturday, March 3, 2007

Oops. :P

I've been checking my blog every day, wondering if anybody was ever going to look at it, or comment, but then I realized that I never posted the link anywhere. :P So, I guess I'll have to do some vigorous advertising. =D

Let's see, I can't tell you about my day 'cuz I haven't had one yet, and I can't tell you about my site 'cuz I haven't done any work on it yet.

How about a nice cup of coffee?



Okay then.

Oh, and I know from experience, never trust a bald hairdresser. (Just so you know. :P)


Why is it, that any time I start a blog, I explode from lack of things to talk about?


If anybody likes the Phantom of the Opera, raise your hand. :P

And even if you don't, but you can play the piano, I strongly advise you to try playing it. It's very fun. =D Here's the link to some sheet music, though you may have to wait for the site to un-exceed it's Data Transfer Limit.
I also found some Pirates of the Caribbean theme sheet music, but I can't remember where I found it. :P


Toaroni said...

Lol. i've been thinking the same about my own blog. I'll look at yours if you look at mine. XD.

TMN said...

Okeyroni. =D

Toaroni said...

We where both in the same situation....

CerealKiller said...

You're nice and random. =D
I like random things.

Maybe by looking at your blog I'll find some ideas to make my entries un-boring...ish thingies. WHATEVER THEY ARE. =P

Spacemanspiff said...

Sheet music FTW!