Thursday, November 1, 2007

IM LIK, BAK!!!1111


Hi people. =D

I'm assuming you're reading this because I told you that I started my blog up again, right? (Tell me I said hi. =D)

And surprisingly, not much interestin' stuffz have happened since my last entry. :P
But there was the occasional thing. Like, a month or two ago, when at our youth group, I got a box of candy, for being the only one to sign in, 'cept the person was giving it to me from the stage, so he tossed it to me, and I didn't catch, instead, it bounced on the side of my head and flew to the other end of the room, and this was on my first day of youth group. :P And there was the time when we all had to wear fake moustaches to youth group, so I decided to wear one made from purple carpet. =D

But enough about my rantings about me, now on to the important stuff.

Unfortunately, the project of the iBricks SMMORPG has come to a screeching halt. :(

Our annoying internet provider just cut the SMMORPG's server's loading time in half, so that we would buy better service. <_<>

But oh well, maybe we'll find SOME way to host it later on. It was just too bad that I had already finished half of the world, and I have nothing to do with it now.


Um der Affen willen,

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Hello peoples. So, yeah, I'm pretty much freaking about about an ad on iBricks, called Booples, with a strange purple object with a face on it. MAKE IT GO AWAY
If any body has any information whatsoever on how to get rid of that THING, please contact me. :P


My website is still the same. Yeah. I need to stop reporting about it, but I think it's just 'cuz I'm bored. I mean, why else was this blog started anyway? I WAS BORED

I'm starting to think that boredom is a disease...

Eep. O_O

I have had quite an interesting morning. :P I've been speeding up, slowing down, and reversing random Phantom of the Opera songs. =D 'Course, there was one that was almost as creepy as the Boople thingy, when it's reversed. O_O

I mean, they were speaking, like, chinese or something! COME ON!!

I am very bored aren't I?

If I start rambling on about my website again, please slap me. Thankeez! ^_^

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Oops. :P

I've been checking my blog every day, wondering if anybody was ever going to look at it, or comment, but then I realized that I never posted the link anywhere. :P So, I guess I'll have to do some vigorous advertising. =D

Let's see, I can't tell you about my day 'cuz I haven't had one yet, and I can't tell you about my site 'cuz I haven't done any work on it yet.

How about a nice cup of coffee?



Okay then.

Oh, and I know from experience, never trust a bald hairdresser. (Just so you know. :P)


Why is it, that any time I start a blog, I explode from lack of things to talk about?


If anybody likes the Phantom of the Opera, raise your hand. :P

And even if you don't, but you can play the piano, I strongly advise you to try playing it. It's very fun. =D Here's the link to some sheet music, though you may have to wait for the site to un-exceed it's Data Transfer Limit.
I also found some Pirates of the Caribbean theme sheet music, but I can't remember where I found it. :P

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Hi people! =D

Well, hopefully I can get this thing up and running. My other blogs were a drag. So this one probably will be too. I like dragging things. 'Cept when they get dirty, then they're too dirty to drag, but I dragged them to get them dirty so that means that I shouldn't have been dragging then in the first place...


I'm currently in the works of designing a new webbysite, and it's (hopefully) going to PWN. I just hope that people who don't have a brand new Vista will actually be able to get the site to load. :P


How's it goin'?

Oooooooooooooh, pretty "publish" button.